Monday, January 25, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance

Friday night in the car, Ivie randomly broke out into the Pledge of Allegiance. Dale and I just looked at each other, neither of us having any idea that she was learning it at school (we love Miss Erin!!!).

So when we had to make a quick stop at Best Buy, I used my newly-downloaded iTouch kid games as bait to get her to agree to do the Pledge on video for me.

I think you'll get a kick out of it. Particularly the following words:


After she finished, she wanted to film MY version. And she thought it was just hilarious. I love her laughing through it. So, at the risk of embarrassing myself for my silliness, I'm going to include that part here, too...


Stacy W. said...

love that giggle at the end, she's too cute! There is no question you both were the most patriotic best buy shoppers that day. Well done!

Chrissy said...

Such a cute video!!

Trish said...

Now that is cute!!

Mark Nguyen said...

I wonder what the Best Buy shoppers thought when they walked by Ivie holding the iPod Touch and you reciting the pledge of allegiance...