Monday, January 4, 2010

Not Me! Monday (#2): Christmas Angel and Dishwasher

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! For those of you that read MckMama, you've heard of this. For those of you that don't, feel free to check out her blog to get the background on how this started as a way to tell about some of the funny things that you generally would refuse to admit to doing.

For my second installment...

1. We took down our Christmas decorations on Saturday. While a couple of breakable decorations (mostly ornaments) fell victim to the unsteady grasp of one Macie Jane Herman during the holiday season, I, being a responsible adult, was always super careful when handling such items. Which is why it was certainly not me that somehow (still not sure what happened) allowed a wiry decoration to slip and disturb the hand-crafted-by-yours-truly, 29-year-old (yes, I made it in Sunday School in 1980 when I was 4), deliberately-placed-with-care-each-year-in-a-spot-of-honor-on-the-mantel angel.

It was also not me who, seconds later, seeing the angel lying in 2 pieces (her head broken off) on the marble (ouch!) base of the fireplace, became immediately teary-eyed and later broke into a full-out sob that lasted for several minutes while I tried unsuccessfully to put the angel back together with a "Krazy Glue" pen.

But it was me who added "super glue brush" to our shopping list. Because I'm confident my angel will live to see many more Christmases...

2. Dale and I are firm believers in hand-washing our pots and pans. That's why it was not us that, after making cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve (and a couple dozen extra for the rest of us), put the cookie pan in the dishwasher before running a very full load. And even if we were lazy enough to do that, it certainly did not take us 5 cycles to finally figure out that the reason the soap dispenser in the dishwasher was malfunctioning was because said cookie pan was placed in the perfect position to keep the dispenser door from opening.

1 comment:

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

You're not crazy, I would have cried too! I attach such sentimentality to the pieces parts from my childhood. That's why I didn't even bother putting any of those ornaments on the tree this year; I KNEW my toddler would get them, and I couldn't bear having her (or me, or DH, or the dog!) break them!

I hope the super glue works and holds for next year!

Confessions From A Working Mom