Week 5 of joining Chrissy, over at Traveling Light, for...

We had an interesting (read: stormy) weather weekend here, but we did find some time Friday evening to sneak in some swinging. I took two videos...
First, Ivie learned to swing all by herself. Without pushing from Mommy and Daddy. It was a BIG day for her. And especially big for my arm muscles (though it's the only real workout I get these days, so I shouldn't be complaining). Sadly, we quickly discovered that she still can't swing as high by herself as she can when we push her, so we'll still be assisting her for awhile until she can. Because she likes to swing so high that, at the peak of her swing, her bottom lifts slightly off of the seat. It's only THEN that she thinks she's "high enough".
And this next one is of the infamous belly swinging. Ivie used to be a lot more brave with this activity, until she got a little carried away one day and flipped herself over the swing, head-first. Since then, she's very hesitant. You'll see. Macie continues to throw caution to the wind. She has yet to flip.
You might note Ivie's reference to a snake. As if she were predicting the future, our "visitor" from the front porch made a return visit yesterday afternoon. My aunt, Julie, casually walked out the door, saw it, and nonchalantly said, "Aim, that's fake, right?". Clearly she's not a regular blog reader... Then, when we got outside, we saw another snake, much fatter and much longer, crawling up the column on the porch. Two snakes, hanging out on our front porch, within 6 feet of each other. Gross. We've REALLY got to get rid of the bird's nest that sits atop said column. We think that's what they're going after. Sorry I didn't get another picture for you. Would have been a good one. I was too busy running to Jasper's house to get assistance in snake removal from a male (since only females were present at our house at the time).
But I digress.
The other thing I find hilarious about this video is when (for the second time) Macie takes a tumble. And then just lays there, watching, and waiting for help. Ivie will be back to help you, Mac, just as soon as she stops laughing at you for falling...
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