Friday, November 21, 2008


Ivie was home sick today, so no Show-and-Tell. She woke up lethargic and with a fever, so we kept her at home (the ladies at day care will be thankful). She watched several hours of television this morning while lying on her big monkey floor pillow in the living room. Even though she loves watching television, it's not like her to lie still for that long, so it's clear that she doesn't feel good. I'm thinking it might be an ear infection. If it is, it's pretty good timing, as we have an appointment for her with her ear doctor on Monday morning. Chances are that we're going to have to get tubes put back in. They came out earlier this spring, but we didn't replace them immediately, choosing instead to give her ears several months over the summer to see if whatever is supposed to happen would (I clearly don't know the correct verbiage!). But the likelihood is very low. So we'll see...

One quick story. When Ivie woke up from her 2.5 hour nap this afternoon, Dale and I both went into her room. She refuses to ever cover up with bed sheets - she only uses a blanket. After her nap, her blanket had crept up to her neck and her feet were uncovered. She looked at me and said, "My blankie's not working, Mommy!". Pretty cute.

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