Saturday, November 8, 2008

Poopy in the Poooootty, Poopy in the Poooootty...


Before her bath tonight, Ivie pooped in the potty for the FIRST TIME EVER. Woo-Hooooo! She always sits on the toilet while her bath water is running and Dale is getting her bed and PJ's ready. It's usually hard to tell if she potties or not, so we just take her word for it (since she doesn't use the potty all day). But after she finished tonight, she got off the toilet and went running to find Dale to show him. Dale then yelled down at me to come upstairs immediately. So I've officially seen her POOP in the potty before I've seen her POTTY in it. Bet that doesn't happen very often...

I invented a "Poopy in the Potty" Dance and made a complete fool of myself. Thankfully, it was only Dale and Ivie that witnessed it (Macie's sleeping in her bouncy seat in the kitchen). I think Ivie thought it was kind of cool. Maybe it will encourage continued success with potty-training (which we really haven't started yet, but probably should, at this point...).

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