Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Surprising" Daddy

Dale's been gone since early Tuesday morning. So when I told the girls when we got home after school today that he would be home in time for dinner, they were both really excited.

Ivie looked at me with her raised eyebrows and exclaimed,

"OH! I'm going to SURPRISE Daddy!!!"

Not sure what that involved, I asked her how she planned to surprise him.

Her response?


Ummm, Iv? Given your nightly dress-up routine, I'm guessing Daddy's not going to be too surprised to walk in and see you in a princess dress. But at least you went out on a limb and chose a new dress. You know, one other than the Snow White dress you put on every evening. Right?

Nope. Never mind.

Oh, well. Surprise, Daddy!!! Welcome home - we sure missed you!!!

(But, as you can see, not much changed on the home front while you were gone...)

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