Thursday, May 13, 2010

Missouri, Day 1: The Synergy Singers

Today was our first full day in Jefferson City with the Schaeperkoetter clan (minus Matt and Carla, who will arrive laaaaaate tonight).

It was a fairly quiet day, since the big kids had school, but we did take a lunchtime outing to watch Sam perform with his "Synergy Singers" group. Since we arrived early and had about 15 minutes before the show, Macie snuggled with Nina, and Ivie and Gavin passed the time by making funny faces for my camera.

Once the show started, Sam's group did GREAT! Here are a few snapshots from his performance...

As we walked out of the Department of Natural Resources (where the "production" was held), Macie found a random curb, with blue chipping paint that was not at all attractive in and of itself, on which to play. And, you know what? It made for some cute pictures! Here they are...

After nap and school, everyone congregated at Nina and Papa's house, and we grilled burgers and hot dogs on the charcoal grill. Gas is easier, but charcoal tastes so much better!!! The 7 grandkids played and played, and the adults just enjoyed being together. Because it sure doesn't happen often enough!

More fun to come tomorrow...

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