Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tar Heel Town, 2009 Style

If you've been reading my blog since its inception, you know that this was not our family-of-four's first trip to Tar Heel Town. I wrote about Tar Heel Town 2008 here and here.

Macie was excited to take part in some of the fun this year, instead of having to chill in her stroller on the sideline. The bounce houses and slide stole the show this time around (not surprising, since they always do). And we got our yearly family picture in front of the blow-up Turn it Blue jersey. (Though the shot I got, included below, has a grumpy Ivie, who wanted a SODA, not a picture-taking session. Note to self to steal one from Brooke to print for our "The Hermans" frame in the foyer.).

As far as the game... Well, let's just say that if Macie wasn't eating goldfish, hot dog, or marshmallows, she wasn't happy. So she ate a lot, and Nina and I took turns the rest of the first half with her out on the concourse letting her walk around. The kids (Ivie, Emerson, and Macie) and Brooke and I barely made it to halftime before heading for the gate.

And 30 minutes later, all three Herman girls were snuggling in their respective beds for naps. Mommy slept for nearly an hour and a half, and the kiddos each for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Can you say, "WORN OUT"?

I'm thinking that Tar Heel Town and one half of football is all I'm going to see in person with the girls for at least the next 5 years. But if it results in a long Saturday afternoon nap, I'm cool with it...

What a difference a year makes...

Tar Heel Town, 2008

Tar Heel Town, 2009

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