Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is June 22nd Too Late For An Easter Post?!?

I sure hope not. And if you think it is? T-O-U-G-H.

I can't believe it's taken me this long to do this post. I've had the pictures edited and ready for quite a while, but, well, life has taken over and I've gotten behind on blogging...

Thankfully, some day when the kiddos are looking back at their blog books, seeing this in the June pages won't make that much of a difference. Hey, at least I got the pictures in here eventually, right?

We got home from the hospital with Bryce just in time to join the Devers (and Stuart and Will Cherry this year!) for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Danny, Dale, and my dad worked together to get the eggs hidden, while the ladies kept the kids occupied in the house. Then we were off. And the pictures, as always, tell the story better than I could in words, so I'll hand it off to them (in other words, it's late, and I don't feel like typing tonight).

Stuart's probably going to kill me for this, but I just thought this shot was hilarious...


Brooke said...

Don't feel bad...i never did a post about Emerson's 3rd birtday that will be posted just shy of her 4th!!! You are doing much better than me!!

Stacy W. said...

You are So far from being a blogger can post blogs with pictures anytime.
Sincerely an avid reader.