Sunday, February 17, 2013

Facebook: January, 2013

January 1 at 1:01p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
The girls were busy in their room this morning setting up their "ofishes" (i.e., offices).

January 1 at 4:03p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Does any other mama love the look of BRAND NEW CRAYONS as much as me? How long must I wait to notify the girls of their existence?!?  

January 2 at 4:04p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Our cute little man, post-first haircut!  

January 5 at 9:35a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Aaaaaaand they have discovered Ms. Pac-Man. Next, I will introduce them to River Raid.  

January 7 at 9:39a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
 Just watched the video of the "parade" through town the day of our trip to Columbia in 1994 for the Missouri 3A State Basketball Championships. We might not have won, but we had the BEST hometown! So great to see all of the little kids lined up outside the schools wearing their orange! I admit to crying as I watched it...

January 9 at 10:36a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Watching tapes of my high school basketball games makes me realize, sadly, that I wasn't as good as I thought I was. But since I have very few tapes from college to prove otherwise, I'm certain my skills improved dramatically as an undergraduate...

January 10 at 12:06p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Beautiful days like today make even the most out-of-shape mommas enjoy a morning run.

January 10 at 3:08p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
After I showed Ivie her new Morning Chore Chart that I created today and she saw me working on this picture in Instagram, she asked, "How many hits did I get?".

January 10 at 5:43p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
I often wonder if serving mac and cheese to a 20-month old is worth it. #canyousaystickymess?
January 11 at 7:07a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Me: "Mac, can you go turn off the light in the bathroom, please?"  Macie: "Do I need to flush the tammode?"

January 11 at 5:02p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
I might have this iMessage conversation framed for someday when she no longer believes this.

January 12 at 7:50a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
After a week in California and a red-eye flight back yesterday, Dale proceeded to sleep from 6:30p until 7a, managing to sleep through the car ride home from dinner, the bedtime routine, and a middle-of-the-night coughing spell by Macie. I think he was tired...  

January 14 at 5:01p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
At Gymnastics with the girls. After Macie completed a forward roll, she anxiously ran over to her teacher, pointed to her hair, and asked, "Is my bun coming out?!?". Glad to see she is focused on perfecting her skills...  

January 18 at 12:00a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Thankful for the baby snuggling/feeding/rocking-to-sleep fix I got tonight! — with Samantha Baggett Bohon.

January 20 at 3:35p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Macie (at UNC Gymnastics meet): "Mommy, who does THAT team cheer for?" Me: "They go to a school called George Washington." Macie: "But who do they CHEER for? Carolina or Duke?!?" Because apparently those are the only 2 options...

January 21 at 10:52a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Divorce has been threatened if I post this video. I'm apparently willing to take the chance. Thanks, Swordplay, for the laughs this morning...

January 22 at 1:46p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
In what will be remembered in the Herman household as an act of karma, the very last task completed by my laptop, before the motherboard apparently crashed, was the successful uploading and posting of the video of Dale on the Wii. #servesmeright

January 22 at 5:16p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Two happy girls this afternoon!

January 23 at 9:15a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Someday I will find a way to creatively display these...

January 25 at 10:51a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Preparing for spring garage sale and found wedding mementos -still love this ring pillow!

January 25 at 3:58p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
What to do on a January Friday afternoon when the weather outside is frightful? Why, make Valentines, of course!

January 25 at 4:29p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
The battle of the hot cocoa mugs.  

January 26 at 7:11p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
How movie night looks when not a single DVD player (connected to a television) in the house works. #improvisation

January 29 at 7:29a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
Kids ready for school and happily playing with 20 minutes to spare. #chorechartsrock  

January 29 at 2:21p

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
She could swing for hours... #love70degrees  

January 31 at 7:51a

Amy Schaeperkoetter Herman
My sweet Little Red Riding Hood on Fairy Tale Day.

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