Sunday, February 16, 2014

Christmas in Hickory (in Pictures), 2013

Is it bad that today is February 16th and it is the first day since Christmas day that I have downloaded photos off of my camera?!?  Wait, don't answer that...

But today's photo dump means that I finally have pictures of our Christmas celebration in Hickory with our Herman family!

As I sit and type this, I am laughing out loud.  And I'm the only one in the room.  Why, you ask?  Because I can hardly imagine the heat I'm going to take from Emma Jean for the one photo I'm including that she will not be pleased with.  It was one of those times where you catch someone in the act of doing something, and the facial expression you catch with the camera is priceless.  So it would really be a shame to keep it to myself.

So, when you get to it, EJ, just go ahead and giggle.  You know you want to.  :-)

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