I guess, through this post, I'll be unveiling the girls' costumes for the year. Ivie as a "bee princess" (since that was the only way to convince her to be something other than a "real" princess), and Macie as a ladybug. This was actually my second choice for Mac - this flower gnome was my first choice, but she screamed so hard putting it on the first time that I knew it wasn't going to work. So we sent it back and went with the more loose-fitting ladybug dress.
In anticipation of the cooler weather we're probably going to experience next weekend in Missouri for the "real deal", I purchased long-sleeved black shirts and tights for the girls to wear under their dresses. So we gave these a shot last night at Dr. Severt's party. Dale ran into traffic on his way home, and wanted desperately to help with the costume-donning process, so I let the girls run around for a bit in their all-black attire. Pretty cute.
Then we had to try on the headbands (still stalling for Daddy's arrival).
Finally, Dale made it home, we got both girls in their dresses, and we were ready to go to the party!
The girls loved this pumpkin that greeted us at the door...
... and after saying hello to Dr. Severt's staff, we were off to see the balloon man. Watching him make the balloon sculptures was almost as fun as having one of their own when he finished!
Then it was time to eat! Pizza, chips, grapes, and cookies!
Next came the Hula Hoop contest. Ivie participated in the 10-and-under age division. She, well, didn't last long.
After the tween/teen contest, they had a round for the adults, too. Dale convinced me to enter, saying, "It will be good for the girls to see you participate!". The guilt trip worked. Ultimately, it came down to me and one other lady. I wasn't really watching her (I was really focusing!), but from the corner of my eye it certainly seemed like she was moving along much more effortlessly than I was. So I was a bit surprised when I saw her hoop drop. I think I can chalk the win up to the assistance provided by my baby bump!
Dale took a picture of me after the victory. Ivie was very excited for me (and I, secretly, was pretty proud of myself!).
Our last activity was to join the train that formed for the Love Train song. Ivie wouldn't do it alone, so I had to jump in myself.
Before we knew it, 7:15p arrived and it was time to head home. So we raided the candy pile (as coercion to get the girls to agree to leave), and headed home. Another great Severt Orthodontics Halloween Party!
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