I thought it was much too chilly for swimsuits, so the girls wore roll-up-able pants. Which worked great. Until, of course, Ivie decided that she wanted to walk further into the waves. And then she got so deep that the sand beneath her feet caved in following a wave and she lost her footing and tumbled backward.
Macie's pants got a little wet along the roll, but she managed to stay on her feet. Until about 3 minutes before we left, when she, too, lost her footing and fell onto her bottom into a wave.
Lesson learned. Should have gone with the swimsuits.
Our attempts at group pictures with both girls smiling at the camera were overwhelmingly unsuccessful. Thanks, almost exclusively, to the Mac-ster, who was much more interested in the arriving wave.
In fact, here, Dale snapped a shot of me trying to convince Macie to cooperate. At least I got her to look at me when I was talking to her!
So we decided to settle for the shots-from-behind instead...
Hard to screw those up.
As it started to sprinkle (BOOOOO!) and we headed inside, we snagged one final picture of the girls with Grandma. As you can see, Mac hadn't learned her lesson about smiling AT the photographer.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! While I'm not (at this very second) thankful for all the sand that I had to rinse out of the clothes (I see why Dale prefers mountains to beaches), I'm SUPER THANKFUL to have this time at the beach with Grandma. We can't wait until Doug, Jennifer, Luke, and Rod join us tomorrow!
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